Develop Software & Machines for Clients and Apps for Fun!

Have suggestions on how I can improve my apps? Send me a message and I'll see what I can do.
I only make fun and amazing apps/games. If it's not fun or amazing, then I probably didn't make it! ;)
Have an amazing app/game idea of your own? Contact me & together we can make your dream into a reality!
My Apps

Leepy Lemon
Flappy Bird-like game that is extremely difficult.

Tinder for Everyday Decisions

Storyline - The Social Butterfly Experiment
We live our lives through one story at a time and the decisions we make affect what our next story will be. This is the basis for Storyline!


Hi, I'm QUJO

Hello, I'm QUJO. I design backend architecture for flourishing business sites, develop automated machines to improve efficiency, and create custom software to handle all of my client's needs. In my spare time I enjoy learning new technologies & programming languages and making fun & interesting mobile apps. My accomplishments include co-founding & serving as the Executive Director of a nonprofit fundraising organization, inventing the DZ1 Wire Untwisting Machine, writing a python script to grab product information from the web, and publishing multiple apps on the App Store.
I am a Junior attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities double majoring in life and sophistication. I am obsessed with figuring out how everything around me works.
For all of my endeavors, I never asked for anything in return. With ever-mounting expenses, it can be quite difficult to stay afloat. I sincerely appreciate any donations you throw my way!
If you enjoy my apps, please be sure to rate them accordingly in the App Store. Also, if you have any suggestions/recommendations for me or would just like to chat, hit me up on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. I would love to hear your stories and what you think of my creations.​
Have a fantastic rest of your day!